The Cattlemens, Derby and Classic
March 1-9, 2025 | $150,000 Added

Rules for 2025:

  1. Open Division of the 4 yr old-$62,500.00Added- 60% advance to 2nd go. Entry Fee $2000.  Jackpotted   $1000, Cattle Charge $1000, 100% of Jackpot Paid in Finals (all finalists receive check) 20% of First Go--advance to Finals with ties. Maximum ENTRIES TO FINALS-30
  2. Open Division of the 5 & 6 yr old $40,500.00 Added-- 60% advance to 2nd go. Entry Fee $2000.  Jackpotted   $1000, Cattle Charge $1000, --100% of Jackpot Paid in Finals (all finalists receive check) 20% of First Go--advance to Finals with ties. Maximum ENTRIES TO FINALS-30
  3. 4 Year Old Non-Pro Division - $10,000   Added – Entry fee $1700--Jackpotted $850, Cattle Charge $850 One Go Round and Finals. --100 % of Jackpot paid in Finals 30% of 1st Go to the Finals. (money to all finalists) 
  4. 5/6 Year Old Non-Pro Division - $10,000 Added   -- Entry fee $1700--Jackpotted $850, Cattle Charge $850 One Go Round and Finals. --100 % of Jackpot paid in Finals 30% of 1st Go to the Finals. (money to all finalists) 
  5. 4 and 5/6 NP  (Limited--$200,000 Lifetime)—C-W-C---$600--$500 EF and $100 OC
  6. TOP LEVEL Amateur Divisions- of 4 Year and 5/6 Year Olds -- $5000 Added to Each Age Group-$950 Entry Fee- Jackpotted $475, Cattle Chg $475--One Go Round and Finals-- 30% of 1st Go to the Finals. --100 % of Jackpot paid in Finals (money to all finalist
  7.  INTERMEDIATE Amateur Divisions- 4 Yr Old and 5/6 Yr Olds $3500 Added to each. Entry fee $900, Jackpotted $450, Cattle Chg. $450, One Go Round and Finals. --100 % of Jackpot paid in Finals 30% of 1st Go to the Finals. (money to all finalists) 
  8. (INTERMEDIATE) OPEN- 4 Yr Old and 5/6 Yr Old (Open ( 1 go round)-- $5000- Added money--Entry Fee $1100, Jackpotted $550 and $550 Cattle charge, 20%of first go advances to finals--100 % of Jackpot paid in Finals,  —Money to all finalists  NCHA RULES APPLY—HALL OF FAME RIDERS PERMITTED  ---

    OPEN Riders NOT on any of the Top 100 Lists for the previous 2 point years may enter the Intermediate divisions.---
  9. 5/6 yr old   and 4 Yr old $100,000 Limited—Lifetime) -held within the 4 yr old INTERMEDIATE OPEN and the 5/6 yr old INTERMEDIATE OPEN  (1 go round) C-W-C--$600 EF, $500 Jackpotted and $100 Office Chg—(Cutting Within A Cutting). --100 % of Jackpot paid in Finals
  10. 25K Amateur-(limited—25,000 Lifetime)- held in conjuncture with 4 & 5/6 Yr Old INTERMEDIATE Amateur classes- (Cutting Within A Cutting).--$600 Ef--$500Jackpotted and $100 Office Chg--100 % of Jackpot paid in Finals
  11. Gelding Divisions Within Each Age Group (Open & Non-Pro) (INTERMEDIATE  & TOP LEVEL Amateur Classes) (Cutting Within A Cutting). Entry Fee $600, Jackpotted $500, Office Chg $100--100 % of Jackpot paid in Finals
  12. Senior Divisions--Class within a Class--in both 4 & 5/6 Non-Pro  --and 4 & 5/6 INTERMEDIATE Amateur and 4 & 5/6 TOP LEVEL Amateur-Entry fee is $600, Jackpotted $500-Office Chg $100--(Cutting Within A Cutting). --100 % of Jackpot paid in Finals
  13. 25,000 Novice Divisions(4 Open  & 4 INTERMEDIATE OPEN  )— (25,000 NNP—4 Non-Pro) --$600 EF—$100 Office Chg—Class Within A Class—eligibility is for horses who have not won $25,000 before Jan 1, 2024) --100 % of Jackpot paid in Finals
  14. Chrome Cash--- Within Each Age Group (Open & INTERMEDIATE, & Non-Pro,
    (AMATEUR  (INTERMEDIATE & TOP LEVEL)  ) (Cutting Within A Cutting). Entry Fee $600, Jackpotted $500, Office Chg $100--100 % of Jackpot paid in Finals
  15. Payment due: FEB 25. No late fees
  16. Stall fee: $215 for the entire show—includes 5 bags of shavings!!
  17. Practice Pens Available: 6:00 AM Each Morning
  18. Show begins at 8:00 AM each day
  19. No class will be held with less than 3 entries
  20. Less than 20 horses entered in major classes—will be a pencil finals
  21. “South Texas Tack” Saddles sponsored by 817 Horse Sales will be awarded for Top Money earner in 3 Divisions
    1. Open Rider
    2. Non-Pro Rider
    3. Amateur Rider

Level Earning Limits

OPEN All Open Riders
INTERMEDIATE OPEN $0 TO $749,999 (hall of Fame riders permitted)—not eligible for riders on Top 100 lists for the past 2 years
LIMITED OPEN $0-$200,000 -(C-W-C)
NON PRO All Non Pro Riders
LIMITED NON PRO $0-$100,000 – (C-W-C)
AMATEUR $100,000 or More
INTERMEDIATE AMATEUR $25,001 - $99,999
LIMITED AMATEUR $0 - $25,000